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Schedule of Classes
Fall 2010
Computer Science
Classes are subject to change at any time. Any course may be withdrawn from the current listing if the enrollment is too small to justify conducting the course or as a result of a reduction in funding.


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Meeting Times & Locations
COSC 2305Discrete Math for Engineers         Hours: 3
    00180210T Noon-2:45p     Location: UC 247    Aizenberg, Igor2420
Meets 8/26/2010 – 12/15/2010
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
Campus: Main Campus (Texarkana, TX)
Instructional Method: FACE
CS 332C++ Programming         Hours: 4
    00180224W 6:50p-10:10p     Location: SCIT 215    Govindaswamy, Victor249
Meets 8/26/2010 – 12/15/2010
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
Prerequisites: Lvl UG COSC 1315 Min Grade D
Campus: Main Campus (Texarkana, TX)
Instructional Method: FACE
CS 340Computer Architecture         Hours: 3
    00180089M 7:00p-9:45p     Location: SCIT 222    Vainstein, Feodor241
Meets 8/26/2010 – 12/15/2010
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
Prerequisites: Lvl UG CS 320 Min Grade D or Lvl UG EE 321 Min Grade D
Campus: Main Campus (Texarkana, TX)
Instructional Method: FACE
CS 367Software Engineering         Hours: 3
    00180095T 7:00p-9:45p     Location: SCIT 215    Govindaswamy, Victor245
Meets 8/26/2010 – 12/15/2010
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
Campus: Main Campus (Texarkana, TX)
Instructional Method: FACE
CS 370Programming Language Design         Hours: 3
    00180096T 4:00p-6:45p     Location: SCIT 222    Vainstein, Feodor246
Meets 8/26/2010 – 12/15/2010
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
Instructors Permission
Prerequisites: Lvl UG BCIS 2331 Min Grade D or Lvl UG COSC 1320 Min Grade D
Campus: Main Campus (Texarkana, TX)
Instructional Method: FACE
CS 420Computer Networks         Hours: 3
    00180097R 7:00p-9:45p     Location: SCIT 222    Govindaswamy, Victor2413
Meets 8/26/2010 – 12/15/2010
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
Campus: Main Campus (Texarkana, TX)
Instructional Method: FACE
CS 467Image Process & Comp Vision         Hours: 3
    00180227W 4:00p-6:45p     Location: SCIT 222    Aizenberg, Igor247
Meets 8/26/2010 – 12/15/2010
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
Prerequisites: Lvl UG COSC 1315 Min Grade D and (Lvl UG COSC 2318 Min Grade D or Lvl UG MATH 335 Min Grade D)
Campus: Main Campus (Texarkana, TX)
Instructional Method: FACE
CS 497Comp Intelligence & Neural Net         Hours: 3
    00180438F 2:15p-5:00p     Location: SCIT 101    Aizenberg, Igor241
Meets 8/26/2010 – 12/15/2010
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
Campus: Main Campus (Texarkana, TX)
Instructional Method: FACE